My Abrieanna
There were three little note-pad sized sheets at the end of my bed scrawled with pink pencil. It’s not unusual to find Abrieanna’s papers around the house. Since she was itty-bitty she has been a paper hoarder. I’d find drawings, scribbles and cut outs everywhere. And I mean everywhere. One day I followed the paper trail from the kitchen counters and tables, to the bookshelves, the piano bench, in the cupboards, under the end tables, on the couch... everywhere. Another time, she had turned the living room into a dining room for her stuffed animals. She had cut out knives, forks and spoons, as well as cups and plates. Very creative. She loves paper.
She cuts out paper money, makes movie tickets, driver’s license and cell phones. She will draw pictures, make cards and cut out snowflakes. She stuffs an empty paper towel roll with paper, draws a face on it and calls it her doll. She whips out her pad of paper, tosses her hair over her shoulder and says, “hello, ma’am. Can I take your order?” Then proceeds to bring my order out...made out of paper. She has a big imagination.
So it didn’t surprise me to see these three little pages at the end of my bed. What did surprise me was that it was a short story. She had never written one before. Sure she had scrawled, “happy birthday” in a card or spelled out the kids names and menus and more importantly, “I love you, mommy,” but she had never something like this.
Here’s what she wrote. Verbatim, and in her spelling.
Alen Spcship [Alien Spaceship]
I was in a spcship. Then I land on a planit but I saw a alen she said that this planit was pink but I was nocked out! Then I walked out the spcship and the alen was right. It wes pink! But I saw a alen and she told me that her name was Rebcca and a nuther alen and she told me her name was Nikki and anther came and told me her name was Micalya and anther came and told me his name was Dale and Dale’s brithday was on Toesday! And my dog Ike was November 4 2004! Love, Abrieanna
So adorable. She really is a little light to me. Who knew that this little surprise would fill me with so much brightness?
Thousands of years ago an old couple got a surprise of their own. Sarah had a visit from an angel and said that she was going to have a baby. She was ninety! Can you imagine? Ninety! And her hubby was 100! Crazy. Sarah just laughed at the idea that an old woman would even have a child. Abraham must have thought it was hilarious too because he named him Isaac, which means laughter.
Abrieanna has filled our home with so much joy and laughter. My Facebook statuses are filled with her one-liners. I don’t know what I’d do without her. Our surprise has turned into our joy. Who knows what God will do with her wild imagination.