Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome... maybe later

Welcome...Maybe Later

I have been wanting to start a blog for the last few years, yet I have put it off. Procrastination seems to be one of my more glaring traits. Kids, basketball games, church activities, TV shows that I've dvr'd...you know the important things =)  they all seem to catch up with me.

I was always the one in school who did the project the night before it was due.  I scrambled to find a bottle of glue, found the cap glued on, had to cut the orange tip off, and then discovered it was dried up anyway.  So then I had to tape all the dried bugs to the poster board...where I had collected the nasty things from the bug zapper on the porch earlier because I neglected to collect them two weeks ago.  I was the one that crammed in study hall the hour before the big test in US History.  Sorry Mr. Hess.  

Yet 20 years later, procrastination hasn't left this body.  However it seems like the horror of putting things off has been passed on to my offspring.  

Take for example, the other day, my child (who shall remain nameless) was given two weeks to tell me that he/she needed two scrapbook papers for class.  Two weeks.  However, this child told me the night before.  Did I look empathetically, take their hand, remember all the times when I was a kid where I did the same thing and say, "Oh honey, lets frolic to the store together hand in hand and get these precious papers together.  How I know exactly what you're going through.  Don't fret, my pet.  All will be right with the world."  No.  Instead what dripped from my lips was, "Dang it!  You knew this for two weeks!  Why do you always wait until the last moment?  You need to be a little more organized."  

Geez.  Why do I become so impatient?  I have the perfect Parent as an example.  Yet, I constantly make the same mistakes over and over.  I'm thankful that He gives me grace to start again.  I pray that my kids are as forgiving as my heavenly Father is to me.  Lord, knows I love them more than basketball games, church activities and the tv shows I've dvr'd.  More than life itself.  

Psalm 78:8 says, "Heaven forbid they be like their parents, bullheaded and bad, a fickle and faithless bunch who never stayed true to God." Now I know that I have stayed true to God; I love the Lord with all my heart.  My prayer is that Micayla, Dale, Abrieanna and Nikki will be God-like in all their actions, in spite of my imperfections and foibles. Ok, my MAJOR imperfections and foibles.


  1. Rebecca,I found this very enjoyable to read and thank you for sharing and reminding us that it is only through Gods grace that we will endure lifes challenges,and grow closer to him. Looking forward to your next blog.~DP

  2. I can SO relate to this!! Dang it.

    ~Kristi Kay

  3. Yep. I think I just read my own blog. ;-)

  4. Love that you have a blog...can't wait to read more!
