Thursday, August 25, 2011


I was watching television the other day and a commercial came on that made me tear up.  I know, I know you're shocked.  It was so touching.

It made me reflect on all the times I have told my kids no when maybe I should have encouraged them more.  Or when I have shrunk in my seat in embarrassment when I should have stood up for a child.  Or when I have scowled at or judged another child or parent for being out of line instead of compassionate.

Here, take a look and see for yourself:

The message is obvious.  Encourage your children.  Or encourage children in general in the talents that God has given them.  Or to not want the floor to swallow you up when your child makes a mistake because you're worried about what people will think.  After all, aren't we an advocate for them?

But there was another thing that gnawed at me as I watched that video.  It was so easy for that little boy to trust the maestro.  He simply glanced up at the master, smiled and kept playing.  He didn't worry that his song was too simple, his playing too inadequate, his timing too slow, his level of playing too small... he just trusted that he was enough with him.

There's a reason that the Jesus says that we need to come to Him as little children.  They are so innocent and pure.  So confident in Him. As adults, we have all this junk in our lives.  All these insecurities, baggage, frustrations, mistrust, anxiety....

I found myself looking at that little boy and wishing that I had that blind faith.  Faith to sit at the piano and let the Father put his arms around me and sweep across the keys of my life and make a beautiful sonata out of it.  Not worrying that my pay check is too simple, my mothering inadequate, my timing with Him  off and my offering too small.  I just want to trust that I am enough... with Him.

"Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, 'I'm telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you're not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in.  Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom.  What's more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it's the same as receiving me.'" (Matthew 18:2-5)

Lord, let me be like that little boy and have faith to trust you completely. Grace over my marriage, my children, my work, my finances, my everything.  I'm yours.  Love, your kid.